Saeed Rafieyan
Affiliations. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

I am a Biomedical Engineer and an AI enthusiast. I earned my Master’s degree from Tarbiat Modares University (2022) in Chemical Engineering-Biomedical Engineering. For my Master’s thesis, I worked on ‘Predicting Cell Behavior on Cardiac Tissue Engineering Scaffolds Using Machine Learning Algorithms.’ I have about three years of experience in Python programming, machine learning, data science, and deep learning in the industry, and I am actively collaborating with various academic groups.
In recent years, I have focused on developing open-source applications of machine learning in tissue engineering and developed MLATE, which is a set of predictive models aimed at helping researchers evaluate scaffold quality before manufacturing. The final goal of this project is to provide researchers with an AI-powered virtual lab, helping them save time and money. I also have experience in natural language processing and image processing.
I am passionate about working on cutting-edge research, such as protein design using AI, drug discovery using AI, medical image processing, and digital healthcare. I am also open to collaborating with different research groups as a Data Scientist.